Shipping Information
Estimated Delivery Times
Production Times
- 3-5 Business Days
Transit Times
Shipping Region | Estimated Transit |
USA | 5-7 Business Days |
Hawaii, Alaska, Puerto Rico, and other U.S. territories out of mainland | 30-45 days |
Canada | 5-10 Business Days |
UK (NI excluded) | 5-7 Business Days |
Australia and New Zealand | 5-10 Business Days |
Europe | Deliveries to Europe are not available. |
Rest of the World | 30-45 days |
- We will send you tracking information when your order is ready to be shipped after the production.
- Estimated delivery time = production + transit.
- Most orders will be delivered within 2 weeks after the order place date.
- Please note that shipping time may increase (delay) during peak season, November, December, and January. Please accept our sincere apologies, and thank you for understanding.